Definition :
A film for the cinema is shot at a rate of 24 fps.
Video for television uses a different number of frames: PAL = 25 fps and NTSC = 29.97 fps.
Telecine and transcoding are the techniques which will modify your source file to allow a readout on tv screeen without jerkiness. MovieConverter Studio includes both :-)
Some software (freeware and shareware) brings this "pseudo-functionality" to you. They only put your source footage at the right size (with no care about keeping contents) and duplicate or remove images without care too (just to adapt the framerate).
To my knowledge, the only other (non-commercial) telecine software is JES Deinterlacer (very good but not very "user friendly").
According to the geographical area where you live, videos must have the right size and the right number of fps.
A compatible video for the American territory's television (NTSC standard) is not compatible for the European or Australian television (PAL standard).
To have a DVD play in the optimal way, you must convert the video into the standard of your country.
If you just encode an NTSC source file to the PAL standard (with any software: freeware, shareware or even commercial like iDvd), you will get:
Bof :-(
Here is the value of a true of a true telecine's software :-)
Since the Internet, the concept of geographical source doesn't mean anything anymore. A video of European origin is distributed through the Net to America and Japan (and vice versa).
Why are there 2 formats anyway? For historical reasons of original compatibility with the frequencies of the electrical supply networks (but this is not our concern).
PAL has 25 fps,
NTSC can have 2 framerates:
There are several ways to "telecine" using MovieConverter Studio:
If you encode a NTSC source file (24 or 30 fps) into PAL (25 fps), just select the standard corresponding to your area, MovieConverter Studio will:
So, with MovieConverter Studio you get no jerkiness in spite of framerate conversions, no audio and video desynchronization (both will be re-formatted if needed) and no loss of fields if your source file was interlaced.
So click and that's all (it's automatic)!